Complex carbohydrates are the human body’s number one source of energy. Not protein, not fats. Some examples of good complex carbohydrates include multi-grain bread, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice. Some examples of BAD carbohydrates include white bread, enriched white pasta, white rice, and sweets such as candy, cake, and cookies. Too many bad carbohydrates in one’s diet can cause weight gain, obesity, low energy levels, insulin problems, and Type II diabetes.
If you are trying to lose weight and fad diets are not working for you, I highly recommend one tip to helping get unwanted pounds off. DO NOT EAT CARBS WITH DINNER.

It seems that most families are eating dinner later and later. It’s not uncommon for families to be sitting down to eat the last meal of the day at 7:30 at night or even later. After dinner is finished, most Americans are finished being physically active for the rest of the day. Homework needs to get done, parents want to relax after a hectic day of work and driving the kids around, your favorite television show comes on, and not many people want to exercise at night.
Those carbohydrates you are consuming with a late evening dinner are not getting burned off. Those calories consumed will sit with you and cause you to gain weight and increase your body fat.
My recommendation is to skip ALL carbs at dinner only if you are trying to lose weight! Breakfast should have the largest amounts of carbs. You will certainly burn these off throughout the day being physically active. Lunch should have a little less carbs than breakfast. Dinner should consist of a lean protein (chicken, fish) and only vegetables, no carbohydrates. Be sure to eat ALL colors of vegetables. Eat what I call the “rainbow of vegetables”. Different colors of vegetables contain different vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly.
Please understand that complex carbohydrates, in moderation, are great for your body and your energy levels. I don’t recommend cutting out carbs completely from your diet. This will give you low energy levels, make you feel miserable, and prevent you from exercising. Cutting out carbs at dinner is a sensible, safe, and effective way to lose the weight you want without feeling like you’re starving yourself. With the combination of daily exercise and this smart and healthy dietary recommendation, you’ll reach your weight loss goal!