Finally, after months of dragging myself to the treadmill and sneaking mini Snickers every chance I got, I’ve rediscovered my passion for healthy living. It wasn’t one thing that allowed me to shake my fitness slump; it was a combination of several…the perfect storm of panic, inspiration and bathing suit season. My motivation was lost but I found it… in some rather crazy places, but I found it.
I found it in my closet, specifically, in last year’s bikini. I put it on. I stood in front of a full length mirror and took a long look, front and back view (gulp). I sat on the bathroom floor and pretended I was on a dock. I sat on my bed and pretended to be in a lounge chair. I grimaced as the elastic pinched my hips. I sucked in my belly to a point beyond breathing and the flab was still visible. And my thighs…I can’t even talk about it. This method of self-torture was equal parts pain and motivation. And it was just what I needed. I had to feel the rising panic as the truth stared me in the face. Unless I plan to spend my summer under a beach towel, I must take action.
I found it in new work-out clothes. There is nothing like new work-out gear to get me excited about jumping out of bed in the morning. When I look like an athlete, I feel like an athlete. I love Lululemon for their insanely flattering magical seams. I love Athleta for making work-out clothes I can wear as regular clothes, as though any minute I might burst into a sprint or strike a yoga pose. And I love Target because, although the stitches are not nearly as flattering, I don’t feel quite as guilty sweating in a $20 pair of capris. Even though I work-out alone in my house, I still feel happier in a new outfit. Everyone agrees, you can’t put a price tag on your health. So if it takes a $100 pair of Lululemon capris to motivate me, so be it.
I found it in my old favorite magazine. I rediscovered my love of the hard-core fitness magazine: Muscle and Fitness Hers. Unlike other magazines that give you the same 10 basic exercises re-packaged every month, this magazine focuses on building muscles through intense work-outs and weights. I know it makes some girls nervous thinking about lifting real weights and, heaven forbid, building muscle. But for me, I know that it is the key to really changing your body and losing fat. Reading this magazine reminds me of what a hard work-out really looks like. I’m renewing my subscription.
I found motivation in my guilty pleasure. Its embarrassing how much I love reality tv. I know that it is not totally real. I’m sure much of it is scripted. But the idea of regular people transforming themselves into stars is fascinating to me. And some things you really can’t fake. Kate Gosselin really did have 8 kids. And she wore a bikini on tv. You can’t fake that. These days, I’m fascinated by Melissa Gorga. Not that I think she’s had a particularly challenging life, but she has had three kids. You don’t get your body back without effort. Reality tv makes me think, “If they can do it, I should be able to do it.” So I’m watching the RHWNJ and making plans for tomorrow’s work-out.
I found it in another Personal Trainer’s advice. I don’t think I have to consider it cheating on my husband just because I get some fitness information elsewhere. In the same way you probably don’t like it when your significant other tells you what to do, I get a little annoyed when my husband gives me fitness advice. It doesn’t matter that I know he’s right. But I sure do love fitness advice from other trainers. I love to read fitness books. One of my favorites is This is Why You’re Fat by Jackie Warner. I re-read this book recently and was so excited about her recommendations for meal plans and work-outs. She has a great 20 minute treadmill routine that I have been doing every day. I told my husband about it and he said, “Well, yeah, that’s the same kind of thing I’ve been telling you to do.” That’s true. But somehow I find it so much more interesting coming from someone else. Sorry Jeff.
Finally, I found motivation in a giant jug of Pure Protein Whey Protein Powder. Something about buying this makes me feel like an athlete. Mixing this with water and drinking it as a shake tastes like fitness to me. It reminds me of the days when I really did do enough at the gym to warrant this kind of high protein drink. These days, I probably don’t require it, but the memory of a me that did is motivation and I’ll take it.
And there you have it. I’ve rekindled my fire for fitness. I’m back in action. I’m excited to work-out. I’m eager to eat right. I’m even considering cutting back on the wine. Bikini seasons, here I come!
Bravo!!! I just bought new shoes? maybe it will motivate me more also! Love the honesty….
Thank you and thanks for reading! I’m sure your trainer will help keep you motivated, too!